These pages provide orientation and resources for QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) . Whether you are using it for the first time or are an experienced user seeking to learn more, we hope you will find the information you are looking for here.
Use the navigation buttons above to select the right starting point for you. Or read the descriptions below to help you decide which tab to go to.
You have used IPA to analyze your data and to explore pathways, but need information about more advanced topics, specific subject areas, help with citing IPA, or need other support. You may be interested in becoming an IPA certified analyst.
You use IPA and other bioinformatics tools to get your work done, and you may have questions about topics such as batch analysis, integrating IPA with other tools, or other support.
You use the QIAGEN IAT tool to add and remove users from your institution’s IPA license and have questions about terminating session, session timeouts, or other support questions.