QIAGEN powered by

Sample to Insight Solutions

Complete NGS worflows for labs of every size, budget and experience

Build your workflow with QIAGEN

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether your lab is new to NGS or wanting to improve your existing pipeline, QIAGEN provides complete NGS workflows for labs of all sizes, budgets and experience.

NGS workflows to meet your needs

Complete out-of-the-box sample-to-report workflows ideal for labs building their first NGS pipeline. Includes library preparation, sequencing, and data analysis, interpretation and reporting. Learn more here.

Fully customizable workflow solutions for labs with a sequencer who want to improve their existing NGS pipeline. Includes library preparation and data analysis, interpretation and reporting. Learn more here.

Ideal for labs who already have panels and a sequencer. Includes data analysis, interpretation and reporting solutions for hereditary and oncology applications. Learn more here.

New to NGS

Complete sample-to-report workflows

For labs who need a panel, sequencer and downstream data analysis solutions.

Workflows for the Complete Genomics benchtop sequencer

Experience with NGS

Sample-to-report workflow components

For labs who have a sequencer but need a panel and downstream data analysis.

Workflow for QIAGEN QIAseq panels (hereditary)

Workflow for QIAGEN QIAseq panels (oncology)

Workflow for Illumina TruSight Oncology 500

Downstream NGS Analysis

FASTQ-to-report data analysis and interpretation solutions

For labs who have a panel and sequencer and would like to improve their downstream variant analysis, interpretation and reporting.

QCI Secondary Analysis: NGS secondary analysis for hereditary and oncology

QCI Interpret: NGS variant interpretation and reporting for hereditary

QCI Interpret: NGS variant interpretation and reporting for oncology

Contact us

Ready to get started?

Let us help you optimize your NGS analysis pipeline. Our services team is here to answer your questions and help you get from sample to final report in less time, for less money.