This new plugin allows the detection, import, export and validation of variants with phasing information and delivers variant locus, allele variants, haplotype alleles and microhaplotypes.
Identify Viral Integration Sites tool makes it possible to detect viral integration events in host genomes from hybrid capture panel data
It provides a circular interactive and zoomable host/virus genome viewer that makes it possible to inspect integration events in detail
It features visualizations of coverage, unaligned-end coverage and broken-pair coverage, with CDS track overlays
Genes in close proximity are reported in a synchronized table
The Analyze Viral Hybrid Capture Panel Data workflow identifies of the most prevalent viral species and its variants from a sample analyzed using hybrid capture technology
PICRUSt2 is available for functional inference or copy number normalization of 16S or ITS sequencing data
Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Reference Virus Data Base (RVDB) and the new QIAGEN Microbial Insights – Prokaryotic Taxonomy Database (QMI-PTDB) can now be downloaded using the Download Curated Microbial Reference Database tool
Learn more about the applications supported by our portfolio of QIAGEN CLC Genomics solutions, and request a consultation with one of our experts to help you find the right QIAGEN CLC toolset for your research goals.