Latest improvements for QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Base
Release date: 2024-07-02
What’s new in the QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Base 2024.3 release
We continually develop and improve our software to deliver you, our customer, maximum value. We’re excited to share with you our latest 2024.3 release of QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Base. As always, we want to know if we can improve something. Please let us know about any feature requests or suggestions by contacting us at
Biomedical KB-AI 2024.3
The content has been updated to the 2024 Q3 content version.
- Added aggregated relationship tables, where relationships are grouped by interacting concepts and their corresponding relationship types
- Added an aggregated version of the Neo4j export based on the aggregated relationships
- Introduced ‘nlp_effect_normed’, ‘nlp_relationship_normed’, and ‘nlp_causal_normed’ attributes for causal relationships. When applicable, these attributes assign relationship type and effect from a controlled vocabulary of terms to a causal relationship
- Improved handling of noisy acronyms
- Resolved issues with duplicate relationships from NIH grants
- Fixed orphaned health condition associations
Biomedical KB-HD 2024.3
The curated content has been updated to the 2024 Q3 content version.
- Resolved an issue with manually curated clinical trial findings reporting incorrect data_acquisition_method
- Added previously missing variation_metadata entries
- Removed variation_metadata entries that were not relevant to the edges reported in BKB-HD
- Corrected biomarker_disease_drug table to include previously missing column values
- Added several missing natural_language_string entries to the finding_metadata
- Fixed inconsistencies in the relationship orientation of non-directional edges
- Fixed inconsistent type of entity_id column in variation_metadata
- Fixed reporting of the number of Gene-Disease findings grouped by acquisition method in the statistics document
- More detailed information about the content changes can be found in the bkb_statistics.pdf
Software and documentation changes:
- Multivalued columns in pivot metadata tables are now array-typed in Biomedical KB-HD API
- Replaced version 4 of the Neo4j import command included with the pre-generated Neo4j export with version 5 of the import command
- Improved stability of the ontology browser