Cloud Plugin 22.0.1
Released on March 28, 2022
This release is primarily a compatibility release, needed due to changes made in CLC Genomics Workbench 22.0.1 and CLC Main Workbench 22.0.1.
- The period a CLC Server tries to get job status information from GCE after a connection problem has occurred has been extended, compared to in Cloud Plugin 22.0. (A corresponding change to the one made between Cloud Plugin 21.0.4 and 21.0.5.)
- Various minor improvements
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the "Connected user" displayed in the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine Connection dialog could be the previous user, instead of the currently logged in user.
Cloud Plugin 22.0
Released on January 11, 2022
Improvements relating to the Cloud Server Plugin
- GCE execution environment attributes (previously referred to as "machine sizes", currently referred to as "GCE executer names") can no longer be edited directly when configuring GCE presets in the CLC Server web administrative interface. The presets configured by the GCE administrator are listed, and one of these is selected per preset.
- The name of the GCE preset, given by the CLC Server administrator when creating the GCE preset, is referred to in both CLC Workbenches and the CLC Server Command Line tools. Previously combinations of preset names and attributes were presented.
- When a GCE preset is chosen when submitting a job to GCE from a CLC Workbench via a CLC Workbench, the tooltip available includes attributes other than just the name.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where elements imported using on-the-fly import in workflows were placed at the bottom of track lists, irrespective of any ordering defined in the workflow itself, when those workflows were executed on a CLC Genomics Cloud Engine when submitting from a CLC Workbench 21.0.1 through 21.0.5 or via a CLC Genomics Server 21.0.1 through 21.0.5.
- Fixed an issue where a CLC Workbench would freeze if all jobs within a large batch of jobs submitted to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine failed.
- Amazon S3 and BaseSpace access is now available directly in the CLC platform products. The Cloud Plugin is no longer needed for these.
- The change to how GCE execution environment attributes are configured means that presets configured in CLC Genomics Server 21.x will fail up front, if someone uses one of these to send a job to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine via the CLC Server. GCE presets must be reconfigured in the CLC Genomics Server settings.
Cloud Plugin 21.0.5
Released on 28.02.2022
- The period a CLC Server tries to get job status information from GCE after a connection problem has occurred has been extended.
- Various minor improvements
Cloud Plugin 21.0.4
Released on 13.12.2021
- The status reporting in CLC Workbenches has been improved in cases where a workflow is running and the connection to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine is temporarily lost.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause some jobs within large batches to fail with a timeout error when submitted to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine via a CLC Genomics Server.
- Fixed an issue where Workflow Result Metadata Tables output by workflows containing an Iterate element run on the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine could not be downloaded via a CLC Genomics Server.
Cloud Plugin 21.0.3
Released on July 1, 2021
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where workflow outputs were not stored in the location specified, but were instead stored in the cache bucket. This issue affected the outputs of workflows run in batch mode and submitted from a CLC Workbench to run on a CLC Genomics Cloud Engine.
Cloud Plugin 21.0.2
Released on May 5, 2021
- The presentation of options in the Workbench wizard for submitting jobs to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine (GCE) have been improved. Of note is the new label for submitting to GCE via a CLC Genomics Server: "CLC Genomics Cloud Engine (via CLC Server)". Previously it was "CLC Server Cloud".
- Various minor improvements
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where data from BaseSpace could not be imported via a CLC Genomics Server without entering valid AWS credentials in the Cloud Server Plugin settings. No credentials are required for import from BaseSpace.
Cloud Plugin 21.0.1
Released on February 22, 2021
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause jobs submitted to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine that involved many input objects or many iterations to fail with an error including the message "Argument List Too Long".
Cloud Plugin 21.0
Released on January 12, 2021
New features
When connecting to S3
- Connections to multiple S3 accounts is supported.
- Configuration of S3 accounts is through a dedicated dialog.
When working with the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine
- The machine size to use when executing a workflow on the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine can now be selected when launching the workflow. This replaces the earlier job priority option.
- When launching a workflow to run on the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine, an S3 location for saving workflow outputs can be specified. Previously, only the location to save exported results could be specified.
- An option to cancel jobs, either individually or all jobs in a batch, has been added to the Cloud Job Search tool.
- Improved stability when uploading large amounts of data to CLC Genomics Cloud Engine through a CLC Workbench.
- History information is available in log elements generated by workflows run on the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine.
- It is no longer necessary to enter a CLC Genomics Cloud Engine URL in the Cloud Configuration dialog to be able to submit jobs to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine via a cloud-enabled CLC Genomics Server.
- Cloud Job Search can now be used from CLC Workbenches where the cloud connection is not configured through the Workbench and authentication is done via a a cloud-enabled CLC Genomics Server.
- The CLC Genomics Cloud Engine login dialog has been updated.
- Cloud preset configurations in the CLC Server web administrative interface now allow configuration of hardware requirements for each cloud preset.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that prevented browsing S3 locations through a proxy server.
- Fixed an issue where an error could arise shortly after a very large number of samples were submitted to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine in batch mode from a CLC Genomics Workbench.
- Fixed an issue that could cause filtering the table in the Cloud Job Search tool to fail with an error.
- Fixed an issue, where a track list generated by a workflow executed in the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine would refer to "unresolved track" after downloading the track list element to the local CLC Genomics Workbench or CLC Genomics Server.
- Fixed an issue where shutting down the CLC Workbench could cancel jobs submitted in batch mode to the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine.
- Fixed issues relating to the naming and placement of outputs specified using output name placeholders (such as {input:2}) that affected workflows containing Iterate elements.
- Fixed an issue where keeping the Cloud Configuration dialog open while launching workflows to run on the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine could result in not being able to save updates made to the cloud configuration.
- Fixed an issue that could result in missing metadata values in the Workflow Result Metadata table produced by workflows run on the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine. This affected some workflows containing multiple Iterate elements when on-the-fly import was used.
Cloud Plugin 20.0.1
Released on June 15, 2020
- Cloud Job Search can now be used from the CLC Workbench in cases where the cloud connection is not configured through the Workbench and authentication is done via a a cloud-enabled CLC Server.
- It is no longer necessary to enter the URL of the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine in the Cloud Configuration dialog in order to submit jobs to the cloud through a cloud-enabled CLC Server.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that could cause filtering to fail in the Cloud Job Search table.
- Fixed an issue where keeping the Cloud Configuration dialog open while running workflows could result in not being able to save the changed configuration.
- Fixed an issue that could result in missing metadata values in the Workflow Result Metadata table produced by workflows run on the CLC Genomics Cloud Engine. This affected some workflows containing multiple Iterate elements when on-the-fly import was used.
- Fixed an issue where an error could arise shortly after a very large number of samples were submitted at once with the "Batch" checkbox checked in the CLC Workbench wizard.
Cloud Plugin 20.0
Released on January 16, 2020
First release of this product