Learn about the different BLAST searches and options available in the workbench.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchLearn how to create a reference genome and manage track lists to visualize your data and associated annotations.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchUse the tools and functionalities of the workbench to simplify your cloning strategy and visualize every steps of the process: Look for restriction enzymes, design primers, and simulate your cloning strategy and results.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchLearn how to predict the secondary structure of an RNA molecule.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchFacilitate your Gateway cloning work with the Vector NTI Import plugin.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchRequired plugin: Vector NTI Import (non-commercial)
Learn how to reconstruct a phylogeny and visualize metadata on the tree.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchThis tutorial will show you how to link variants to positions on a 3D protein structure, and how to interpret the resulting interactive 3D model. The focus will be on identifying variants associated with drug resistance to chronic myeloid leukemia treatment.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchWorkflows
Create, edit, and manage workflows in your workbench.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchLearn about launching workflows with more than one changing input in batch mode.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchDe novo assembly
Learn how to manually join or split contigs using the Align Contigs tool of Genome Finishing Module.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: CLC Genomics Finishing Module (commercial)
This tutorial highlights some of the tools for a typical de novo sequencing workflow with a data set from a high-throughput sequencing machine.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchAn introduction to how to import fastq paired data, run a sequence quality report, trim the data, and run a de novo assembly with scaffolding.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchUsing the Transcript Discovery plugin, quickly annotate de novo the Fragaria vesca genome using both long and short reads.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchPlugin required: Transcript Discovery plugin (non-commercial)
An introduction to the functionality of the Long Read Support plugin, focusing on hybrid assembly of long, error-prone reads and read polishing with high quality, short reads. Includes assessment of assembly quality, and how and when to perform reassembly of contigs.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRead mapping and variants
Assemble Sanger sequences into contigs to find - and resolve - conflicts between reads.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchUnderstand the parameters of the Map Reads to Reference tool, and the impact of using paired end data on the mapping results.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchFind and annotate cancer specific variants by comparing normal and cancer tissue reads and by filtering for variants leading to amino acid changes.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchLearn how to identify species-specific variants, filter those leading to amino acid changes, and associate relevant species-specific pathways.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchCopy number variants are amplifications and deletions of exon and chromosome fragments as well as whole exons or chromosomes. The copy number variant detection algorithm is designed to detect copy number variations (CNVs) from targeted resequencing experiments. These can be either gene panels or whole exome sequencing. It identifies CNV regions where the normalized coverage of the sample to be analyzed differs from the control samples in a statistically significant way.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchThis tutorial uses the capacities of the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin to find actionable variants - even at very low frequencies - in Targeted Amplicons sequences generated using a BRCA1 and BRCA2 QIAseq panel kit.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial).
In this tutorial, we modify a ready-to-use QIAseq analysis workflow to detect KIT D816V down to a low frequency, illustrating how an existing workflow can be efficiently used as the basis for customized analysis pipelines.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchThis tutorial uses the capacities of the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin to detect fusion events and find actionable variants in reads generated using a custom QIAseq Multimodal panel.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchEpigenomics
Find methylated cytosines and identify regions with high methylation levels in your sequencing reads.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchThis tutorial takes you through a complete ChIP sequencing workflow using CLC Genomics Workbench.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchThis tutorial demonstrates how to build a Methylation Database that is useful for prediction of methylation profiles in mixture samples. The tutorial data set is constructed from cell line samples using the QIAseq T cell Infiltration panel (MHS-202Z)
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial)
Expression and fusions
Perform data quality control, identify differentially expressed genes, and interpret your results in a biological context using annotations. This tutorial is based on microarray data but many tools are applicable to RNA-seq.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Main WorkbenchAnalyze RNA-Seq samples and identify differentially expressed genes using template workflows: inspect the resulting QC reports, PCA plots, heat maps, and volcano plots. Optionally upload results to QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) for biological interpretation.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN IPAAnalyze RNA-Seq samples from multiple tissues and timepoints: investigate outliers and structure in the data, identify, visualize and cluster differentially expressed genes, and perform detailed investigation of expression patterns for genes of interest.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchThis tutorial uses the capacities of the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin to detect fusion events in sequences generated using a QIAseq Targeted RNAscan Panel.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial).
Compare differential expression of miRNA between Adrenal Myelolipoma (benign neoplasm) and Adrenocortical Carcinoma to identify miRNA that can be used for diagnostic.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchThis tutorial uses the capabilities of CLC Genomics Workbench with the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin to analyse UPX 3' reads and assess quality. It includes steps for demultiplexing, mapping and metadata handling, as well as downstream analysis options.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial)
Immune repertoire
This tutorial uses the capacities of the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin to identify clonotype distribution in individual samples and compare immune repertoire across samples.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial)
This tutorial will guide you through the process of identifying variants and verifying them using Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial).
This tutorial will guide you through the process of identifying somatic variants from a matched tumor/normal sample pair from one patient using the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial).
This tutorial uses the capabilities of CLC Genomics Workbench with the Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin to calculate reliable and consistent TMB score and MSI status values from reads sequenced with the QIAseq Tumor Burden Mutation panel assay (DHS-8800Z).
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchThis tutorial demonstrates how a template workflow can be configured to calculate a Homologue Recombination Deficiency (HRD) score by adding the tool Calculate LOH and HRD Score (beta).
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugin: Biomedical Genomics Analysis plugin (non-commercial).
Microbial genomics
Assemble metagenomes derived from two different groups of samples and investigate their functional differences.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModuleRequired plugins: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial), MetaGeneMark (commercial)
This tutorial will take you through the tools available in CLC Microbial Genomics Module to perform typing and epidemiological study of cultured bacteria using the metadata functionalities of the Microbial Genomics module.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModuleRequired plugin: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
This tutorial will take you through the different tools available in CLC Microbial Genomics Module and CLC Genomics Workbench to perform OTU clustering and estimate alpha and beta diversities of microbial communities with the Microbial Genomics module.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModulePlugin required: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
Learn how to identify individual constituents of a microbial community, and how to identify microbiome profiles that can be associated with certain sample parameters (metadata). In this example we solve a forensics case where the microbiome of the soil on a suspects boots can be associated with the soil microbiome at a crime scene.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModuleRequired plugin: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
Learn how easy it is to monitor the evolution of a microbiota over time using the taxonomic profiling tools from CLC Microbial Genomics Module.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModulePlugin required: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
Learn how CLC Genomics Module can analyze metagenomics samples with respect to the presence and abundance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with the Drug Resistance Analysis tools and accompanying databases, in particular the integrated up-to-date QIAGEN Microbial Insight - Antimicrobial Resistance database (QMI-AR).
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModulePlugin required: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
This tutorial covers the use of the MLST scheme tools, focusing on scheme creation, visualization, and isolate typing.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModulePlugin required: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
Learn how to use the Update Sequence Attribute in Lists tool to annotate sequence lists to create your own microbial reference data for use in various downstream analyses.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModulePlugin required: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
Use the tools in CLC Microbial Genomics Module to analyze viral hybrid capture panel data. Learn how to identify viral strains in a sample and potential virus integration events into a host genome.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, QIAGEN CLC Microbial Genomics ModuleRequired plugin: CLC Microbial Genomics Module (commercial)
Analyze metatranscriptomic Oxford Nanopore MinION reads from SARS-CoV-2 samples using the functionality of the Long Read Support plugin and other CLC Genomics Workbench tools.
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QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchSingle cell
This tutorial uses the CLC Genomics Workbench and CLC Single Cell Analysis Module to focus on one of the main areas when conducting single cell RNA-Seq analysis: performing cell type prediction and overlaying the information on Dimensionality Reduction Plots.
Available as a PDF tutorial
QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugins: CLC Single Cell Analysis Module (commercial).
This tutorial uses the CLC Genomics Workbench and CLC Single Cell Analysis Module to reanalyze published data and recreate the results. You will learn to import different data types, perform QC and normalization, and using the flexible coloring and highlighting functionality of the UMAP plot. The included workflow provides everything needed for RNA velocity analysis, including the creation of a list of velocity genes, as well as a browsable phase portrait plot.
Available as a PDF tutorial
QIAGEN CLC Genomics WorkbenchRequired plugins: CLC Single Cell Analysis Module (commercial).