Achieve higher case solve rates

Boost your research with the largest database of expertly curated content and content aware analytics. Our integrated solution coordinates the entire analysis to insight workflow, so that you can pinpoint causal variants with high probability for the realization of case solve rates greater than 80%.

Discover more with confidence

Do you want to discover the most promising causal variants without spending a lot of time and effort ruling out false positives? Maximize your chance of success with our streamlined solution for analysis to interpretation, and see how it delivers unsurpassed accuracy and coverage for the detection of challenging low frequency variants.

Find promising insights faster

The QIAGEN Bioinformatics solution streamlines your analysis, delivering results you can trust, faster, and with greater confidence. This comprehensive end-to-end solution combines the high accuracy of Biomedical Genomics Workbench and Ingenuity Variant Analysis, with expert-curated content from HGMD and QIAGEN Knowledge Base.

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