Our advanced pathway analysis helps scientists like you gain deep insights into your data with multiple sources of knowledge.
From data analysis to databases, from gene expression to genome assembly, from interpretation to integration – we have the breadth and quality of solutions you need to drive meaningful insights and new discoveries.
Find the best biomarker candidates with biological characteristics that relate to your discovery research
Easily validate your target, reduce risk and accelerate your path to market
Discover the effects and potential side-effects your target has on genes, proteins, pathways and more, minus the data processing
Learn how top pharma are navigating new next-generation sequencing regulations with ease.
Explore our powerful solutions for the analysis and interpretation of single-cell genomics
Improve your microbiome analysis, isolate characterization, functional metagenomics and resistance identification
Learn more from your experimental data about gene regulation, from bisulfite-sequencing to transcription factor ChIP-seq
Overcome NGS and 'omics data analysis challenges with our user-friendly and comprehensive bioinformatics software solutions
See what our customers have to say about our solutions