QIAGEN powered by

Analysis Match

Analysis Match enhances interpretation and drives discovery by placing your dataset in the context of over 100,000 IPA analyses that have been processed from public sources using QIAGEN OmicSoft Suite.

Powered by IPA Advanced Analytics, Analysis Match automatically identifies curated IPA datasets with significant similarities and differences, enabling you to compare results, validate interpretation and better understand causal connections between diseases, genes, and networks of upstream regulators.

Try IPA with Analysis Match


Strengthen hypotheses and discover new biological insights

By combining a massive compendium of knowledge from the literature together with a massive collection of gene expression measurements. Watch the 5 minute video below.


Quickly identify analyses with similar or differences from your data

Figure: Analysis Match tab

Analysis Match uses “analysis-to-analysis” matching based on shared patterns of Canonical Pathways, Upstream Regulators, Causal Networks, Diseases and Functions. Using comparative datasets from QIAGEN OmicSoft’s DiseaseLand and OncoLand, Analysis Match provides you with clearly organized results, easy to use filters and heatmap visualization of similarities and differences.

Heatmap visualization – easily identify similarities and differences

Figure: Matching signature heatmap

Activity Plot: Make discoveries by exploring a particular QIAGEN IPA “entity”

Visualize and explore the activity of a single QIAGEN IPA entity, such as an Upstream Regulator, Causal Network, Canonical Pathway, Disease or Function, across >100,000 OmicSoft Land analyses. The Activity Plot helps you gain insights into an IPA entity by exploring its predicted biological activity across thousands of datasets that represent disease conditions, treatment conditions, knockouts and much more in the Analysis Match database.

Figure: Activity Plot for an upstream regulator. In the plot, 49 analyses for which SMAD4 is predicted to be activated as an upstream regulator are highlighted in green.

On Demand Webinar

Learn about the new Analysis Match features and discover a new way to explore biological results

Check out our latest webinar to learn how to use the new Analysis Match feature to discover other QIAGEN IPA Core Analyses with similar (or opposite) biological results. Automatically match your analysis to your previous data and over 100,000 pre-computed datasets from OmicSoft. Broaden the scope of your discovery.

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