Compare with IPA

Enhance interpretation and drive discovery by placing your dataset in the context of over 200k+ analyses.

Discover new biological insights and stronger hypotheses​

IPA automatically identifies curated datasets with significant similarities and differences to yours. Compare results, validate interpretation and better understand causal connections between diseases, genes and networks of upstream regulators.

Analysis Match
Identify similar/different analyses

Broaden the scope of your discovery and evaluate your dataset in the context of 200k+ analyses. Explore patterns between Canonical Pathways, Diseases and Functions, Upstream Regulators and Causal Networks.

Pattern Search
Examine gene expression

Scan any available analysis from QIAGEN OmicSoft by querying a collection of genes in a network or pathway and identify ones that have similar or different gene expression patterns to your own analysis.

Activity Plot
Explore IPA entities in depth

Visualize and explore the activity of any entity across 200k+ analyses. Gain insights into an entity by exploring predicted biological activity and representing disease conditions, treatment conditions, knockouts and more.

Skip to 52:06 for a quick summary

Intro to Analysis Match

Compare your gene, protein and metabolomics data to hundreds of thousands of published datasets

With all the expression datasets that are available to the public, wouldn’t it be great to compare them to your own expression data, so you could get a better understanding of the underlying biology of your data?

See how Analysis Match works in practice with a live demonstration.

Access the context you need​

Compare your data to over 700k 'omics samples and discover new patterns, connections and insights into your area of study.

Sample to Insight
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