In the coming months, we have a number of webinars prepared for you. You can meet our experts and get introductions, tips and tricks to our solutions for use in hereditary diseases and cancer research.
You can find more details below. And you can of course sign up for the webinars right now!
October 15th, 2015 at 10am PST
Unravelling the complexity of non-syndromic inherited diseases - A case for whole exome sequencing and NGS interpretation
Join Dr. Hywel Williams, head of the UCL Center for Translational Omics, also known as GOSgene in this educational webinar that illustrates the power of whole-exome sequencing (WES) and analysis for the identification of known and novel variants associated with complex non syndromic inherited diseases. In this webinar Dr. Williams will provide an overview of his study in the contact of a phenotype that has not been previously described in the literature, and makes the case for broader adoption of WES and NGS interpretation with Ingenuity Variant Analysis to increase the rate of successfully solved cases, and improved patient outcomes.
September 22nd at 10am PST
Solve More Diagnostic Odyssey Cases - The Case for a Comprehensive and Accurate Knowledge Base
This webinar focuses on Ingenuity Variant Analysis – the accurate, manually-curated, comprehensive Knowledge Base 15+ years in the making, and the ability to rapidly isolate causal variants and relationships while reducing the follow-up effort invested in pursuing benign or false leads.
September 15th at 10am PST and September 17th at 10am CET
A rapid and highly accurate end-to-end NGS analysis solution for detection of novel inherited disease mutations
This webinar highlights QIAGEN’s new, highly accurate, and integrated end-to-end NGS analysis solution for the discovery of novel, and clinically relevant, rare and inherited disease causing variants, from various sample types in just one step. QIAGEN’s Dr. Anika Joecker will demonstrate the easy to use end-to-end hereditary disease workflows in Biomedical Genomics Workbench and Ingenuity Variant Analysis, as well as the Allele Frequency Community – an extensive, high-quality, ethnically diverse collection of human allele data for use as a reference set. Special attention will be devoted to demonstrating the impact of accuracy and time-savings associated with reducing the number of false positives when searching for disease causing mutations in NGS data.
Register for September 15th NA
Register for September 17th CET
The BioConference Live virtual event on cancer research and oncology takes place September 30 - October 1, 2015. The event includes Mini-Symposiums and presentations from experts on different aspects of cancer research.
We're hosting two webinars at this virtual conference:
Role of microRNA-mRNA interactions in Endometrioid Endometrial Carcinoma, a “Sample to Insight” biological exploration.
Presented by Jean-Noel Billaud Ph.D., Principal Scientist, QIAGEN Bioinformatics
October 1st at 9-10 AM (PST)
RNA-editing in melanoma – Case for a sensitive analysis and interpretation platform for the resolution of a diverse molecular process and likely pathogenic variants
Presented by Dr. Anika Joecker, Global Product Manager, QIAGEN Bioinformatics
Additional information about the speakers
Recordings of the presentations will be available after the conference.