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Mia Ferraiolo Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Disease pathogenesis is often context-dependent, specifically on tissue expression profiles within a given disease context. However, tissue expression profile of...
In the drug discovery pipeline, evaluating multiple pathways between a drug target and disease is crucial for identifying potential therapeutic...
While there is great interest in the scientific community to investigate drug targets and biomarkers from public immune-oncology data sources...
Thursday, October 17, 2024
In an era of near-limitless public experimental data but little standardization, meaningful insights are lost to noise. Large collections of...
Cancer cell line models have been a cornerstone of cancer research for decades. Cancer cell lines profiling can be a...
There's more than one way to probe our OncoLand data. With the OmicSoft Studio graphical user interface (GUI), you won't...
Per feedback from recent trainings, we are hosting a training focused on biomarkers and drug target investigation through effectively utilizing...
In this 90-minute training, attendees will learn how to use basic expression analysis (example RNA-seq) functionalities in QIAGEN OmicSoft Studio...
Are you interested in exploring how you can evaluate phenotypic differences between custom cohorts? You can learn more about drug...