Across clinical oncology applications, from molecular testing to cancer research, the ability to identify potentially actionable genomic and genetic alterations...
Dentro das aplicações oncológicas, a habilidade de identificar alterações genéticas potencialmente acionáveis e explorar as vulnerabilidades moleculares do câncer está...
Dentro de las aplicaciones oncológicas, la capacidad de identificar alteraciones genéticas potencialmente accionables y explorar las vulnerabilidades moleculares del cáncer...
The development of new cancer drugs is challenging, costly, and time-consuming. As translational research on cancer diagnostics and genomic profiling...
How expert-curated cancer data from COSMIC and HSMD can help biopharmaceutical researchers identify and validate targets faster and optimize clinical...
Two expert-curated databases exclusively licensed through QIAGEN link sequence-level somatic mutation data to detailed molecular information about functional and clinical...
The development of new cancer drugs is challenging, costly, and time-consuming. As translational research on cancer diagnostics and genomic profiling...
QIAGEN Digital Insights Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Interpretation of genomic variants in tumor samples still presents a challenge in clinical settings. Variant interpretation is fragmented across disparate...