Bioinformatic Tools for Genome Analysis
The dust has settled after a whirlwind annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics last month. The QIAGEN team would like to thank the many scientists who stopped by our booth to learn about how our bioinformatics tools can make a difference for their projects. We spent a lot of time exploring scientific posters at the conference and came away really impressed by how much great work is being done with tools such as IPA, QIAGEN Clinical Insight (QCI), Biomedical Genomics Workbench, and more.
Thanks to our video team, we have several short clips of researchers discussing some truly fascinating scientific results. Here’s a quick tour.
Ingrid Arijs from the University of Hasselt
Jessa Hospital used IPA to understand response to therapy for patients with Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
Kambiz Karimi from Counsyl
An evaluation of QCI that helped his team cut variant interpretation times by 75 percent.
Andreas Rump from the Technical University Dresden
Using CLC Genomics Workbench and QCI to understand variants associated with intellectual disability in children.
CENTOGENE’s Peter Bauer
The challenges of interpreting variants implicated in rare disease.
Fergus Couch from the Mayo Clinic
Using 37-gene QIAseq panels in a wide-ranging study of pancreatic cancer.
QIAGEN’s Bjarni Vilhjalmsson
The utility of Biomedical Genomics Workbench for analyzing QIAseq panels.