Discover our new platform for exploring highly-curated single-cell RNA-seq data
Are you looking for highly curated single-cell (scRNA-seq) data to validate your latest results? Have you ever spent hours or days processing data from a publication only to find your gene of interest isn’t detected? Maybe you’ve tried a single-cell portal but find it lacks critical metadata?
Discover our new solution that makes single-cell data analysis easy while delivering deep and novel insights. We’ve extended our valuable QIAGEN OmicSoft DiseaseLand and OncoLand frameworks to enable rapid exploration of single-cell data, creating the new QIAGEN OmicSoft Single Cell Land. Our team of certified curators manually curated hundreds of single-cell projects generating thousands of precisely curated cell clusters. You can access millions of cells that are searchable using any one of our more than 70 metadata attributes. Compare across projects and easily find the data you are looking for. Then, export your findings graphically, tabularly or to an open data standard.
The new QIAGEN OmicSoft Single Cell Land lets you:
Learn more about how QIAGEN OmicSoft Single Cell Land can support your research.
Request a trial to explore how this database of scRNA-seq datasets can dramatically facilitate and accelerate your single-cell genomics research.