QCI Interpret One Beta Tester

We are currently developing QCI Interpret One, a clinical decision support software and service solution that provides a scalable and configurable workflow for the upload, prioritization, interpretation, and reporting of somatic variants. For the first time ever, users can access both the QIAGEN clinical knowledgebase and the QCI Precision Insights (powered by N-of-One) clinical interpretation service in order to create comprehensive patient reports.


Becoming a QCI Interpret One beta tester

We are inviting a select group of individuals to be part of the development team by providing feedback and testing as a beta tester. Access and participation in QIAGEN’s beta program as a beta tester for QCI Interpret One is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. You must be and remain available to test in the month of April 2020. 
  2. You will be granted access to QCI Interpret One beta for 30 days from the date of the beta release.
  3. The access rights are limited to the term permitted to the Beta Test Period and the software is provided “As Is” without any warranty of any kind.
  4. QCI Interpret One beta is intended for evaluation purposes only to provide feedback on the product features in order to improve the final release. At the same time, it will provide you with an opportunity to gain early insights into new capabilities that may benefit your operations.
  5. QCI Interpret One beta testing will be limited to retrieving pre-curated information from the QCI Precision Insights service using a default Test Product configuration.
  6. There will be no charge to you for the upload and analysis of cases in QCI Interpret One beta.
  7. QIAGEN may terminate the beta testing in its own discretion at any time without prior notice to you.
  8. QIAGEN reserves the right to release a new beta version during the beta time period. This will not impact the duration of the test.

What we expect from you:

  1. We expect you to work with a QIAGEN Field Application Scientists to set up and configure one or more of your test products to run on QCI Interpret One. We will also provide a brief introductory training and a quick start guide. This activity can generally be completed in a 60 to 90-minute online session.
  2. We expect you to accept the user licensing agreement before using the software.
  3. We expect you to upload, interpret and report a minimum of five (5) cases in QCI Interpret One. More cases are encouraged.
  4. We expect you to meet with the QIAGEN team by Zoom Meeting at least once a week to provide suggestions, recommendations, problems encountered, questions about the program and how it operates, or gripes about something you don't like or how something doesn't work as explained or expected. All feedback is greatly appreciated.
  5. We expect you to provide QIAGEN with feedback on the QCI Interpret One beta functionalities during the Beta period by completing an online survey.


What to expect from us:

  1. World-class clinical decision support software and service that is on the cutting edge in terms of features and ease of use.
  2. Prompt, professional, and courteous email and phone support for questions or problems you may experience.
  3. Respect for your privacy (we will not make your participation or feedback public without your written consent).

To secure your spot in the QCI Interpret One beta program, please reply by email to Beate Litzenburger by no later than Friday, March 27. 


Secure your spot in the QCI Interpret One beta program by responding via email to Beate Litzenburger no later than Friday, March 27. 

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