Biopharmaceutical databases
Two expert-curated databases exclusively licensed through QIAGEN that enable biopharmaceutical researchers to avoid pitfalls in early cancer drug discovery, confidently qualify candidate drug targets, and accelerate indication expansion and repurposing of existing cancer therapies.
The cancer drug discovery landscape is shifting. While research continues to grow in cost and complexity, the pace of development has never been faster. Biopharmaceutical companies can’t afford to waste time and resources pursuing ineffective or unsafe ideas.
The Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (COSMIC) and the Human Somatic Mutation Database (HSMD) are two expert-curated databases that link sequence-level somatic mutation data to detailed molecular information about functional and clinical impacts, as well as implications for druggability and relevant clinical trials, enabling biopharmaceutical companies to deliver more efficient and safer drugs in a shorter time frame to patietns with cancer.
The Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (COSMIC) is the most detailed and comprehensive resource for exploring the effect of somatic mutations in human cancer. Developed and maintained by Wellcome Sanger Institute, the latest release, COSMIC v99 (December 2023), includes over 6 million coding mutations across 1.5 million tumor samples, curated from over 29,000 publications. In addition to coding mutations, COSMIC covers all genetic mechanisms by which somatic mutations promote cancer, including non-coding mutations, gene fusions, copy-number variants and drug-resistance mutations.
The Human Somatic Mutation Database (HSMD) is a relatively new somatic mutation database from QIAGEN (released in 2019) that combines over two decades of expert curation and data from scientific literature, on- and off-label therapies and clinical trials, and real-world clinical oncology cases. In the latest release, HSMD 3.0 (November 2023), the database contains manually curated, detailed molecular information on over 1.8 million somatic variants, with more than 430,000 observed in real clinical cases, as well as data from over 545,000 real-world clinical oncology cases.
While similar, COSMIC and HSMD differ in their applications for cancer drug discovery and development. As a result, biopharmaceutical researchers can use both databases to support different workflow stages.