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QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Bases

Leading biomedical knowledge sources to efficiently drive innovation in biopharma

Break knowledge silos to power R&D with data science

Break knowledge silos to power R&D with data science.

Bioinformaticians and data scientists rely on quality biomedical relationships knowledge for innovative data- and analytics-driven drug discovery.

But it takes valuable time and resources to dig through thousands of publications and dozens of databases and integrate this knowledge.

We’re putting time back in your hands with our knowledge bases.

A biomedical knowledge graph containing targets, drugs, functions, diseases, pathways, genes, chemicals, locations, variants, and more

QIAGEN Biomedical KB-HD

Human Derived

QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI

Generative AI Derived

Popular applications

Biomedical knowledge graph construction and analysis ​
Analytics- and AI-driven target identification and drug repositioning
Disease, drug and target intelligence portals​
Disease subtype and biomarker identification​

Get your “Eureka!” moment faster

Our knowledge bases are:

Employ flexible data analysis and exploration to efficiently generate novel, high-quality discoveries.

Biomedical KB-HD

Does your drug discovery work depend on the quality of your relationships data?

Directly access the manually curated data behind our premier ‘omics data analysis and interpretation software, QIAGEN Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA).  

human years of curation effort
expert M.D. and Ph.D. curators
0 +
years of experience
0 +

The foundations of your success


This is data you can trust. It is produced using manual curation with strict QC, and it supports the highest quality requirements. ​​

Industry Validated

For more than twenty years, KB-HD has successfully generated R&D discoveries, and its data has been cited in tens of thousands of articles.​


Relationships are captured with full context, enabling insights specific to a particular question.


Entities are mapped to public identifiers and synonyms to support integration with other data sources.​

API access

Do your projects require all the data you can get? Or just a slice? Either way, we’ve got you covered with our flexible access options. 

You can get full data access with our yearly subscription model or slices with our API. Both deliver high-quality biomedical relationships to drive your discoveries.

Biomedical KB-AI

Access over 640 million biomedical relationships

QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI uses generative AI to identify novel relationships and patterns that may be missed by traditional methods and can provide a more comprehensive view of the biological landscape.

biomedical relationships
0 M+
gene causal relationships
0 M+
disease causal relationships
0 M+
drug causal relationships
0 M+

Explore the full landscape

Imagine you need to find everything known about a specific gene, including edge cases. You could scour the internet for the pieces, but how do you find the whole picture? 

QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI provides the most extensive AI-curated knowledge base available to help you answer key research questions. 

The foundations of your success


QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI reorganizes the vast amounts of unstructured information that are available into a strict ontology that enables rapid querying, knowledge gathering and insights.


Access over 6.4 million gene causal relationships, 1.99 million disease causal relationships, and 1.16 million drug causal relationships.​


QIAGEN Biomedical KB-AI is the largest collection of biomedical relationships knowledge. It provides you with the latest research insights with quarterly updates including new articles and data.

Get started today

See for yourself how QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Bases will fuel your data- and analytics-driven drug discovery and transform your research.

Get started today

See for yourself how QIAGEN Biomedical Knowledge Bases will fuel your data- and analytics-driven drug discovery and transform your research.

Information & Services

QIAGEN Digital Insights Services​

We use our leading data, advanced analytics and AI to answer your scientific questions and build custom applications

Knowledge graphs for drug discovery

Discover how our biomedical knowledge graph can help accelerate your data science-driven drug discovery

Webinar: Supercharge your AI in drug discovery

Unlock high-quality biomedical data and relationships for knowledge graphs, AI-driven target identification and more